Dr. Gupta Profiles BalanceWear® Patient
Dr. Sanjay Gupta profiles a father living with MS and the BalanceWear stabilizing garment he uses to improve steadiness and reduce the risk of falling. Improvement from Ofca’s use of BalanceWear has been profound and it has provided him with newfound confidence in daily living.
Click here to watch the segment.
BalanceWear® Featured on ABC News
Cindy Gibson-Horn, PT was recently featured on ABC TV Affiliate KGO, San Francisco demonstrating BalanceWear® device and the dramatic improvement possible for MS patients. For those patients where BalanceWear is effective the balance correction is observed immediately upon application.
Click here to watch the segment.
A Message to Neurology Professionals:
BalanceWear®, a NOVEL, New instantaneous treatment for balance restoration will be performing “real-time” balance correction in the BalanceWear® Motion Therapeutics exhibit booth # 911 at the AAN 2015 Washington, D.C. and presenting balance correction research as follows:
Presentation Type | Title | Date & Location |
Platform Presentation number S28.003 |
“Balance-Based Torso-Weighting Results In Fall Reduction During Sensory Organization Test For People With Multiple Sclerosis” |
Session S28: Neuro-rehabilitation on Wednesday, 4/22/2015 at 2:30:00 PM – 2:45:00 PM |
Poster Presentation 1701 presentation number P2.130 |
“Improved Sway Velocities and Directional Balance Improvement in Two Individuals with Spinal Cerebellar Ataxia with Balance-Based Torso-Weighting: A Case Series Report” |
Poster Session P2. on 4/21/2015 |
Poster Presentation 1827 presentation number S28.003 |
“Balance-Based Torso-Weighting (BBTW): A Novel therapy to prevent falls in patients with peripheral neuropathy.” |
Session P7: Thursday, 4/23/2015 at 2:30:00 PM – 2:45:00 PM |
BalanceWear® was invented to help patients improve with many forms of balance challenges including MS, Parkinson’s, Ataxia, stroke and many others to be able to enhance their balance and mobility without meds or invasive procedures. BalanceWear has proven to immediately help about 80% of balance challenged patients directly upon application.