Upon meeting with your BBTW-trained clinician, the therapist with put you through a series of balance and mobility measures. They will then test you with our patented BalanceWear® Assessment Method, a perturbation method with a series of nudges forward, backward, sideways and rotational symmetry tests. Based on your specific directional deficits, you will be fitted with your exact strategic weighting needs . Typically, about one and one-half pounds of small, unobtrusive weights are used to achieve improved balance and mobility. The therapist will then retest some of initial balance and mobility tests to see if you have improved while wearing a BalanceWear assessment kit. Most patients state they cannot detect the weight of these small weights but can feel the difference in their stability.
Immediately following the application of BalanceWear, approximately 80% of patients with intact spinal cords, demonstrate improved stability and postural control which may improve balance. Many people notice changes in their spatial perception. Typical comments include:
“I feel grounded.”
“I feel lighter.”
“It gives me confidence”
“I don’t have to think to move.”
“I feel clearer.”
“I haven’t felt this way in a while.”
Once improvement is confirmed by your therapist and you want to get a garment, your personalized custom BalanceWear will be ordered. Each BalanceWear is custom-fitted to its owner.
Your trained clinician will discuss with you how to use BalanceWear and provide you with care and maintenance information.