BalanceWear Weighted Vest for Concussion: A Success Story from Ashley D.
What Happened to Ashley?
Ashley was riding her horse March 28, 2017 when she suffered a concussion. While she was pacing up the speed, she fell off the horse and her head hit the ground first. As she hit the ground, she passed out. Ashley had no memory of what happened, and worse, she could not see anything. The impact on her head when she fell must have caused the loss of sight. However, unexpectedly, her vision started coming back as hours went by; it took about four hours for her vision to completely recover from a seemingly temporary blindness. She tried remembering what had happened to her, but she just couldn’t.
She learned from her doctor that the accident had affected her sense of hearing in both ears and the reason she experienced tinnitus and vertigo. It is not only her hearing she had to deal with, she also struggled walking. Ashley received rehabilitation at Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation this past summer.
Her therapist wondered why Ashley still could not stand firm on her left side. She would take a few steps, lose her balance, and fall. To remediate her situation, her therapist tried using a one-pound anklet on her left ankle which seemed to help; Ashley noticed that she was able to balance herself better.
Ashley was recommended by her therapist to consult with Curry Durborow DPT, who is trained with BalanceWear® which was created and conceptualized by Cynthia Gibson Horn, PT the co-founder of Motion Therapeutics.
Upon the consultation, Curry assessed Ashley’s balance and applied a strategically weighted BalanceWear assessment kit on Ashley. Ashley finally felt that her body properly aligned and that she could do more than what she could do for weeks before she came across the product. Her body felt relaxed wearing BalanceWear. It was a huge difference right away. Curry and Ashley then decided to use BalanceWear across her varied therapy sessions.
During her speech therapy, Ashley was having a challenge with stimulation. When there was a lot of things going on she could not focus on cognitive activities. Ashley had speech therapy sessions in the lobby to challenge her system. It was really difficult for her to sit and focus. However, using BalanceWear during Speech therapy sessions let her body feel relaxed. BalanceWear helped her prevent anxiety and helped with sensory inputs. When not using BalanceWear, she would start to notice symptoms and when she applied it, within 10-15 minutes, the symptoms would start to resolve and she would feel better again. In summary, BalanceWear helped her get her body in proper form, and aided her to use her muscles properly.
The Result with the help of BalanceWear Vest
Until now, Ashley is still improving and wears the BalanceWear every day, even to work. She exercises with it and then without it while she can still feel like she is doing the exercise correctly. The only time she doesn’t wear it is when she goes to the gym. See the videos attached to this story to see how BalanceWear helps Ashley with her balance and coordination exercises.
Ashley rates BalanceWear as 10/10 and calls it her personal trainer, at the same time, as her personal therapist. Wherever she goes, she tells people about BalanceWear. BalanceWear is an invention that may help individuals, like Ashley, who have experienced a concussion, to assist with recovery.
Ashley recently received a scholarship for the Fighting Back program. Fighting Back is a local personal training gym in the Philadelphia area for people who are overcoming life-changing injuries or illness. The scholarship gives one session of personal training per week for six months.
Ashley reports the trial of BalanceWear was indeed one of her most unforgettable experiences.
She was very grateful and said in one of her emails to us: “Your invention of the BalanceWear is worth its weight in gold”. She was glad that her personal therapist discovered BalanceWear and she shares the good news about it with her family, friends, and relatives how the BalanceWear vest makes her feel good all the time.
BalanceWear is a new balance-enhancing product using the patented Balance-Base Torso-Weighting, BBTW, technology platform. Following extensive clinical research, BalanceWear is now available in the United States and in Denmark.
Do you know someone like Ashley?
Tell them about BalanceWear now! To obtain BalanceWear®, you must be assessed by a BBTW® trained clinician.
Currently, there are BBTW-trained therapists in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Therapist training is ongoing.
Please contact 888.330.2289 or send an email to to find the nearest trained clinician in your area.