Anne is 43-year old woman who suffered from a cerebellar stroke. Anne was admitted to Community Hospital in Fresno January 3, 2020. Anne is out five-months from her stroke and is doing well. In fact, she is running again.
With BalanceWear she is recovering from it and she said,
“As a long-distance runner, my first thought was I am going to get to run again.I ran 11 miles yesterday!”
Here is an interview with Anne.
How did you find out about BalanceWear?
The physical therapists at Community Hospital asked a certified BalanceWear therapist, Cindy Fuller, to come in to see if BalanceWear was helpful.
What was your life like before finding about BalanceWear?
I was in the hospital recovering from the stroke. I had to use a walker and I could barely walk with the walker. I was hopping, like it was a crutch.
Cindy Fuller came in to trial BalanceWear. After I was fitted with the assessment kit, they took my walker away. They said try and walk. I was so frightened; it was the most terrifying thing
ever but then just did it. I walked down the hall and then I cried! So did Cindy Fuller, the therapist.
As a long-distance runner, my first thought was
“I am going to get to run again”
What challenges were you facing that caused you to consider us?
I couldn’t walk. My body was spinning. I would try anything.
What key features of the BalanceWear Vest had the biggest impact the fastest?
I just put it on and it worked.
I like that I can wash it as it can get pretty dirty running every day. The
vest is holding up well.
What has been the impact/results in your life since using BalanceWear Vest?
The effects of wearing the vest are lasting longer and longer. In fact, I am now running without the vest and my weights. I used to need it all the time.
When I started running I ran ¼ mile. Yesterday I ran 11 miles which is the longest run since my stroke and it was without the vest. I am currently running 30 miles a week which is about 50% of where I was before my stroke. When I get home from running, I shower and put the vest on for the rest of the day.
Besides running. I can feel when the effect of the vest wears off. It is in about three days. My vision gets worse. It is like when you are spun around in a circle and stop. When the vest is on I move better and I can read better also.
Anything else you would like to tell me about the vest?
It is part of me. Stays on most of the day. Don’t even know it is on. I will do anything you want because this has helped me so much!
– Anne S.
Yosemite, California.