Motion Therapeutics has been getting orders for young children so we developed our first BalanceWear Vest Designs for Children who have postural control, alignment, balance and mobility difficulties.
Children who have received BalanceWear are those with diagnoses such as Cerebral Palsy, Ataxia, Hypotonia, and Lordosis, among other diagnoses associated trunk weakness and deficient sensory-motor processing.
The BalanceWear Vest may or may not hold a rigid support to stabilize the spine.
Small weights are placed into the vest in strategic locations that may enhance balance, facilitate postural support, and improve walking.
BalanceWear® is not your typical weighted vest where weights are placed in fixed locations such as the neck or all over the body to weight the body down. BalanceWear Technology is based on balance loss. Clinicians trained in our patented strategic weighting technology, called Balance-Based Torso-Weighting, place weights after a thorough balance assessment that determines a person’s three-dimensional static and reactive postural control. BalanceWear is a customized system with weights placed strategically for the child’s specific loses.