I’m an active 69-year-old woman who was diagnosed in 2008 with a “significant (25%) relative loss of peripheral vestibular sensitivity in the right inner ear labyrinth … ” The imbalance I felt didn’t get in the way of my enjoying a wide range of activities – hiking, biking, walking, yoga, Zumba and rowing, but I always noticed being out of balance. I felt concern that my balance might be worsening and that I could have serious balance issues as I aged.
I was fitted for a BalanceWear garment in July and noted changes on the spot. I was delighted that I could easily do a Tree Pose wearing the vest, and this was not the case when I walked into Cindy’s office. Over the next 3 weeks, I tested myself in a couple of areas while wearing the vest, then recorded the results to see if improvement was real or imagined. The better and better numbers told me it was real.
Three months later, after wearing the vest for 3-5 hours for about 4-5 days a week, I thought I’d do another test for fun. I was amazed that I can do many of the “test” activities quite well without the vest. My brain continues to build new pathways for balance. The best result has been a noticeable improvement in my rowing, which takes the form of sculling in a single boat. I’ve been going to a rowing camp every year for 7 years, and it includes an informal race at the end of the week. In September, I rowed my fastest time ever, and it was with less effort than in prior years. I believe that I’m faster because I have a more efficient stroke, and I attribute that to improved balance and the fact that my brain isn’t constantly working to stabilize me in the boat.
I’m looking forward to the possibility of new, streamlined models of the BalanceWear garment!
Vancouver, WA