I pastored three churches before my 1994 disabling head and neck injury which compromised my memory, left-side strength and dexterity, balance, speech, word finding, eye tracking, double vision, proprioception/knowing/feeling where the floor is beneath my feet, and how things move around me when I move my head (vestibular). The worst of my injury is a layer of chronic head pain that blankets my days and nights.
I feel fortunate that I came into my disability with a foundation of faith. When my rehab doc put me on a regimen of “one hour up for every one hour down” I put my contemplative life to work. When words were unreliable for me, I painted my prayers, and in the paintings discovered answers, always moving me toward healing. What I call “Brushes of the Spirit” was at work leading me toward a healing unimagined by me and my doctors. Painting became a mode of personal expression as well as play. For seventeen years now I have a home business, Adventures in Healing, which I manage at a disability-pace, and write, speak, and paint about the Art of Healing.
When I was fitted with BalanceWear three years ago I was amazed and thrilled that such a simple thing to put on could make such a difference in my tremors, gait, and balance. Although it was recommended that I wear the BalanceWear an hour a day for rehab, I soon discovered that I wanted to wear it full time because it drastically improves my mobility and comprehension.
Because the BalanceWear vest decreases my tremors, I can now write at my laptop and have just completed a manuscript about my miracle healing journey with a Shaman, The Story of We: A Spiritual Odyssey of Healing. Because the BalanceWear improves my wobbly walking, I steadily increased my walking with the help of a pedometer and program to move from sedentary to active walking. I began with 5 minutes every other day and slowly increased. I surprised everyone, including me, when I was able to walk the 5K, “Run to Feed the Hungry.” Now I walk daily, completing enough days of 7000 steps so that I can earn my quarterly $25 from the pedometer program. My goal each quarter is automatically increased by a computer so I don’t need to figure it out.
Each step of the way, my body is becoming stronger, to better resemble the strong me on the inside. Thank you, BalanceWear!