The elderly and people with balance loss due to neurologica l or orthopedic diagnoses such as MS, neuropathy, Parkinson’s, CVA, TBI, Vestibular, CP, down syndrome, ataxia, and those suffering low back pain among others, often have mobility challenges.
Motion Therapeutics developed Balance-Based Torso-Weight ing (BBTW®), a unique and effective system to effectively assess and treat directional balance loss.
During this class the clinician will learn the static and dynamic assessment tests and weighting strategies to immediately improve a patient’s balance same session.
Participants will have ample opportunity to practice the patented assessment and strategic weighting technology using the BalanceWear Assessment Device.
Location of Hands On Lab:
Florida Hospital Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
5165 Adanson Street
Orlando, FL 32703
(Class full, closed for registration)
Pre-seminar Webinar Orientation
Tues. March 29, 7:00pm – 9:30pm EST
Hands on Classes – 2 days, Hands On Lab
Sun., April 3, 8:30am – 5:30pm EST
(Registration 8:00am – 8:30am EST)
Mon., April 4, 8:30am – 5:30pm EST
(Registration 8:00am – 8:30am EST)
Post Webinar
Tues., April 12, 7:00pm – 8:00pm EST
Information on accessing the Webinars will be provided after registration.
Learning Objectives
- Identify ways to measure perceptual and dynamic directional loss
- Recite evidence of weighting applications
- Practice BBTW directional static and dynamic assessment
- Apply strategic weighting according to BBTW
- Analyze differences in qualitative and quantitative measures with BBTW
- Determine if a patient benefits from rigid VS soft neuro-sensory device
- Practice fitment and measurement of balance orthotics
- Document weight placement and size measurements
- List indications for lumbar orthotics
- Demonstrate knowledge of technology on volunteer patients and instructor
Target Audience
Intermediate level class designed for PT and OT clinicians.
Instructional Ratio
16:1 Max enrollment 16
Continuing Competence/Education Units
Pennsylvania Pending: 15 CEUs
ProCert Pending: PT 19 CCUs in: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Georgia,
Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montanta, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina,Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, Washington DC
Acceptance PT Texas (13.5); approved for 15 CEUs in Ohio
Cynthia Gibson-Horn PT, a graduate of University of Wisconsin, developed BBTW in her in clinical practice. Gibson-Horn sought the help of Dr. Gail Widener PT, PhD and Dr. Rolando Lazaro PT, PhD and Dr. Diane Allen PT, PhD to complete three research projects in Multiple Sclerosis and one in Parkinson’s disease to provide evidence for practice. She has presented (BBTW) research at several International, National and Local meetings. She designed and patented strategic weighting products. She is active in private practice and works for Motion Therapeutics.