The balance vest is beautiful and I love it. It helps me to balance better and I will use it all the time for better balance. Thank you so very much for this vest. Audrey Robinson
Patient Testimonials
Now I Can Get Down to the Ground and Play with My Daughter
I wear the vest every day to work under my dress shirt. My daughter loves the vest because it allows me to get down to the ground and play with her! She asks me to put the vest on if I am not wearing it. Don New York City
Now I Can Get Down to the Ground and Play with My DaughterRead More
Improvement on Day 1
I have MS, the Primary Progressive kind and was slipping deeper and deeper into canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and scooters or just moving. Not a pleasant thing. I thought there was nothing either developed or invented that could really help. HOW WRONG I WAS. This is my first day wearing one. All I can say is …
Help for 4-Year-Old Boy with Low Muscle Tone and Balance Difficulties
Eric is a 4 and one-half, year old boy with very low muscle tone and has extreme difficulty with balance and core strength. Having Eric wear the BalanceWear Vest has shown instant results and changes. On day one, Eric was able climb stairs one step after another on his own for the first time in …
Help for 4-Year-Old Boy with Low Muscle Tone and Balance DifficultiesRead More
Better Quality of Life After Degenerative Disc Disease
I had three surgeries for degenerative disc disease over the past two years. Prior to the last surgery a year ago I was falling twice a week. The past two years I have been in considerable pain and taking quite a bit of medicine. I even tried acupuncture. The first day I received the BalanceWear …
Better Quality of Life After Degenerative Disc DiseaseRead More
Using BBTW to Address Post Myelogram Complication
In late 2009, my sister and I took my Mother to San Francisco be checked out to see if she could benefit from a BalanceWear vest. My mother received a bad myelogram in March 2003 which affected her spinal nerve and caused her to lose her balance, confidence walking and overall attitude about life. I …