I pastored three churches before my 1994 disabling head and neck injury which compromised my memory, left-side strength and dexterity, balance, speech, word finding, eye tracking, double vision, proprioception/knowing/feeling where the floor is beneath my feet, and how things move around me when I move my head (vestibular). The worst of my injury is a …
Patient Testimonials
Bringing More Balance Into An Active Lifestyle
I’m an active 69-year-old woman who was diagnosed in 2008 with a “significant (25%) relative loss of peripheral vestibular sensitivity in the right inner ear labyrinth … ” The imbalance I felt didn’t get in the way of my enjoying a wide range of activities – hiking, biking, walking, yoga, Zumba and rowing, but I …
Susan Experiences Less Falling, Now Walking Longer Distances
I have had primary progressive MS diagnosed for 3 years. Before BalanceWear I could only walk 2 sides of a city block with my walking sticks. With BalanceWear my balance is much better, so I can walk longer distances, walk more quickly, and do not get tired as fast. With my walking sticks and BalanceWear …
Susan Experiences Less Falling, Now Walking Longer DistancesRead More
Help with Balance and other Symptoms Such as Handwriting
Cindy- I’m very excited to receive my personal BalanceWear. It not only helps my balance but other symptoms as well, such as handwriting! Thanks you so much for helping people with Ataxia and other neurological disabilities. I also experienced residual effects when I took BalanceWear off! Stan- The results achieved with Cindy’s initial weight assessment …
Help with Balance and other Symptoms Such as HandwritingRead More
Walking Less with Cane, and Swinging Arms More Freely
So far, the vest is working out great! I LOVE it!!! I’ve been wearing it 2 hours each day (per Polly my therapist). I wore it out to dinner with Stan for the 1st time last evening. I took my cane as a safety measure, but didn’t have to constantly rely on it! When my …
Walking Less with Cane, and Swinging Arms More FreelyRead More
Patient Travels From UK in Search of Better Mobility
Cindy Horn is a national treasure! Her commitment to helping individuals with MS, Ataxia, Stroke etc is apparent as soon as you speak to her. After my initial contact with Motion Therapeutics, I emailed, and then spoke to Cindy to discuss my suitability for the Motion Wear product. Subsequently, I travelled out to San Francisco …
Patient Travels From UK in Search of Better MobilityRead More